Do you ever teach writing classes for adults?
I can't tell you how many times I'm asked this question! The sad answer is no, not for the foreseeable future. I occasionally offer workshops for adults at conferences, but my local and online classes are aimed at kids because I'm convinced that's where particular calling and giftedness lies.
Luckily, I have a good friend who is an excellent writing teacher for adults, and so I send all such questioners his way! Jonathan Rogers (with whom I'm speaking at the next Rabbit Room on the Road event), is a much beloved college professor in Nashville and the author of The Wilderking Trilogy, The World According to Narnia, The Terrible Speed of Mercy: A Spiritual Biography of Flannery O'Connor, and other books for both children and adults. Jonathan is building an online library of classes, interviews, and other amazing resources (aimed at adults) available for a monthly or yearly subscription. Here's some more information about his offerings from the Field Notes for Writers website:
Field Notes for Writers is a library of online writing lessons created by author and teacher Jonathan Rogers. It is also a hub of community for writers of all skill levels. Members have unlimited access to the ever-growing library, which includes (but is not limited to):
Grammar for Writers—a 42-lesson practical survey of English grammar that equips writers to compose better sentences and diagnose writing problems (members will have early access to new lessons as they are released through early 2019, after which they will continue to have full access to the completed course)
Line Edits—a monthly series of short videos in which Jonathan Rogers walks through the editing and revision process for a piece of student writing
Comparing Notes—a monthly podcast in which Jonathan Rogers discusses writing with other writers
Live Webinars—monthly real-time teaching on writing topics suggested by members. These webinars will be archived and added to the library as new lessons.
New content will be added to the library on a weekly basis.
You can sign up for a free preview course here to get a taste of what Jonathan offers before making the decision to become a member of his growing community. You can also take Grammar for Writers as a standalone course without a subscription.
Jonathan's a brilliant teacher, and I hope you take advantage of his wisdom and expertise!