An oldie but a goodie. There are few perfect books in the world, but in my opinion this is one of them.
Read moreQ & A: The Idea for Henry
Henry and the Chalk Dragon is my absolute favorite of your books, but it is unusual, and something I personally would never have thought of. What gave you the ideas for it? —Bridget, age 13
Read moreQ & A: Naming Characters
How do you come up with the names of your characters?
—Annie, age 12
NaNoWriMo for Kids
You may have heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, when thousands of people give themselves a challenge to write an entire novel in 30 days), but you may not know that there is entire NaNoWriMo program just for kids.
Read moreGet Creative: Character Names
Have you ever heard a strange or beautiful or hilarious name and thought, "That sounds like a character in a book"? Sometimes a story comes first and the author has to name its characters. .
Read moreRead-Aloud Revival
Are you part of the Read Aloud Revival? I cannot say enough about how much I love Sarah Mackenzie and her mission to nurture a shared love of reading in families.
Read moreGet Creative: Books in the Cauldron of Story
What stories do you love so much that they're always swirling around in your imagination? What books do you wish you had written? What author do you most want to be like?
Read morePixar's Rules of Storytelling
It's no secret to those who know me that I love Pixar movies!
Read moreThe Cauldron of Story
What’s in your story soup? J. R. R. Tolkien, in a famous essay on fairy-stories, wrote about “the Pot of Soup, the Cauldron of Story” . . .
Read moreGet Creative: Code of Chivalry
What is your family's code of chivalry? What is your definition of nobility and honor? What rules shape your life together and guide how you treat each other and other people?
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