As a fun creative break from our hectic schedule, my husband Pete and I have both taken up the Inktober art challenge this month. An illustrator named Jake Parker started Inktober about ten years ago as a way of practicing his drawing skills and developing a daily creative habit, and now thousands of artists get involved every year, posting their drawings on social media each day of October. There's a list of prompts you can use to jumpstart your creativity, and there's absolutely no artistic talent required. Trust me, Pete's no artist, but he's got a hilariously creative mind and it's been such a good discipline for him to come up with some new visual idea every day (usually a pun!) And although I wish I were a 100% self-motivated person (oh, how productive I'd be!), I'm not. I need assignments. I need accountability. So having a daily prompt and a reason to sit and draw every single day, even for only a few minutes, as really gotten the juices flowing for me. You can follow our Inktober Instagram journeys here and here.
Even if you're not going to post your drawings on Instagram, this would be a great challenge for a family to do together and see the variety of ideas the prompt words spark in different people's imaginations. The prompt list is below.. Come join the fun!